Archive | November, 2019

Binaryism will be our undoing..

20 Nov

Journos and media people love the word ‘binary’. It simplifies question and argument, interviews and analysis and is so sexy for those sage pieces to camera with which political editors love sign off. La Kuessnberg on brekki TV this morning: ‘Where will the nation’s trust lie: Johnson’s Brexit pledge or Corbyn’s saving of the NHS?

Already we are sleepwalking into an election where the binary choice appears to be Tory v Labour, the ‘least worst’ scenario. Some papers this morning lament that we, the people accept the unacceptable. In this case the lying, privileged deceitful misogynist (etc,etc) Boris the Spider versus the , supposedly, unintellectual, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic, fiscally irresponsible and fence-sitting Corbynmeister. The judges couldn’t help out by allowing the debate to move from binary to group and so the also-rans (Sturgeon, Swinson, Farridge (heaven help us) and Sian Berry) had to make their pitches to a slumbering nation after 10pm.

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown opines: I wonder what it will take to de-hypnotise servile citizens and awaken a greater sense of injustice among us all? She has it wrong methinks. The proletariat are in a cleft stick with a first-past-the-post voting system that isn’t fit for our modern Britain. Our political leaders are chosen by a tiny (relatively) group of card-carrying devotees to their cause. Result? Good people get sidelined by loud and unscrupulous voices. Let’s face it, in the binary world of politics you simply have to trust Corbyn more than Johnson – and I say this as a man who wouldn’t vote for either. At least the Corbynmeister has principles even if some of his allegiances are dodgy nd his Brexit stance was a soggy bottom.

The honourable leave the stage when parties pull to the extremes and allow the centre to atrophy. Ken Clarke is at the end of a long line of sane and clever politicians who, being fed up with it all, have left the stage to the ambitious, wild and disreputable pack of wolves ready to feast on the entrails of our democracy.Things fall apart and all that. Gone are many of those with integrity in conduct and service to the nationĀ  in their hearts.

Johnson and Corbyn have gathered around them a bunch of Machiavells and dullards – a toxic combination. It is a mistake to think that the electorate don’t see this but we’re stuck aren’t we? The choice appears binary …but it isn’t. Why not vote with our consciences, with both our heads and hearts. Ask ourselves serious questions about the quality of our leaders and what they represent. Check the facts, preferably not those supplied by Conservative Central Office. James Cleverly, what a misnomer! I digress..

What do I believe in? I have had much cause to step away from my political sleepwalking through the first half of my life. I see the footballs of the Police, Education and the NHS being kicked around for political gain. Long term planning withers on the vine of short-term electioneering soudbite. I observe 4 and 5 bedroomed houses feathering the nests of developers while young adults dream of affordable housing. I would be pleased to pay more tax but I am aware that high earners pay a good whack too. I welcome controlled immigration; we are enhanced by the skills and multicultures which inform our islands. I am very much a Remainer but not, at root, for political or economic gain. For unity, for neighbourliness, for living together on the same small planet. For peace.

None of these things are binary. They are difficult and complicated.